Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Facebook and Memory ...

Fb is now assiduously seeking to correct its version of my past (or maybe that's deciduously, since it involves paper), asking repeatedly -- every time I've come online over the last 48 hrs -- "What was your position at Freelance Translator & Editor?"
The correct answer is, of course, "Supine, almost exclusively: laptop on lap, big behind parked in recliner." What, did they think I was Hemingway or something, writing standing up? Ahaha...--
Hey, wait a minute!!!
John Brown BTW, I find it creepy (esp. given recent "revelations") that FB keeps reminding me what my "memory" is, based on samples of my past FB comments (in all fairness I can delete my FB "memories" [the word is FB's]). But is there nothing more "private" than one's memory, you (and millions of others) of what you think/feel? Not a very good PR move by Zuck & Co., given headline-making social media's prying/"sharing" info to [you name the recipient]. ... [Addition, not on Facebook entry: At least Nabokov got paid for his "Speak, Memory, Speak me memoir ... ]

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